sweet tooth.
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS
Made for the O2A2 (One of Any Asset) Queer VN Jam!
A short spin-off for my original title loose tooth (demo).
(You do not need to have played the related demo to enjoy this game!)
Lindsey Henson messages her field partner Hallie Macleod for some comfort and a distraction during a particularly shitty night.

- 1000 words
- 3 choices
- 4 endings
- ~ 10 minutes of gameplay per run
- 1 illustration
- 1 song
- 1 sound
- 1 main menu background
- Potentially gay tension
- My Ultra Cool image mapping isn’t fully debugged, and the buttons clip within the options screen. They're completely functional within that screen, but they're admittedly quite obnoxious and invasive. I am not planning on fixing it at this time, but hope to eventually. I'm sorry for any inconvenience!

Writing + Programming + Art + GUI
( + Nighten's code for the phone!)
New York City night […] : Sound by SpliceSound from Pixabay
Notification Sound : Sound by BeezleFM from Pixabay
click : Sound by 666HeroHero from Pixabay
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this is a great read!! i love the difference in the way they text; it gives them both a personality immediately upon reading. the heart next to hallie's name is such a cute detail too! it adds more to the interpretation of their relationship. feels maybe a little bittersweet in the end? love it!
Hey! I played the game and I loved a lot of things about it!
I loved the cute artstyle, and in particular, GOODNESS, I love the background! I was BEAUTIFUL!!! Congrats on producing something this cute!
I also appreciated the relationship between Lindsey and Hallie. It kinda reminded me of In the Mood for Love! A kind of friendship that is almost love but the characters have strong enough morals to avoid becoming cheaters (although it's even more twisted in the film since their respective partners have a love affair together)? It really is the kind of relationship that isn't explored all that much! That's on me, but it really embodies my approach of the Amare genre (by the way, there is the Amare Games Festival going on as a game jam, maybe you'd like to submit your game?)
So overall, I really loved this game! You perfectly used the restraints of the game jam to convey a short yet evoking story! Thank you!
P.S.: Regarding your text button issue, I think you can take a look at the pinned comment of this video to solve it, since I think your problem is that it displays the buttons as if we were still on the main menu.
thank you so much, i was so proud of how the art turned out for this game, prouder than i’ve been with something in a while! so it’s really nice to hear that others think it looks just as good!
OOH i love that comparison, i haven’t seen that movie in a long time but god is it wonderful.
it’s honestly a bit of an honour for my work to evoke any type of similarities to a wong kar-wai film ah u have no idea….the relationship between lindsey and hal is one i’ve sat on for a long while, and i try to be incredibly intentional with the way i handle them, especially in the few moments like this where we see them together alone.once loose tooth is fully released i plan on releasing a devlog or something detailing more about their relationship and its conception on my end, but for now i’ll just share that they certainly exist in this limbo you described quite accurately. (except the respective-partner-affair thing which is very much absent here thankfully… hal is #single and lindsey breaks up with her boyfriend like a handful of months after this anyways) it teeters many lines, as was really exciting to get to sort of pull the curtain back on through this game. i’m really touched you gleaned so much from such a short experience!
i hadn’t even known about the amare festival but i do seem to qualify so i’ll definitely submit! thank you so much for pointing me in that direction! :- D
thank YOU again for your play and such a thoughtful comment, this really warms my heart and is seriously the reason i love to make games! :- ) + thank you too for the help with my button issue, i’ll definitely take a look into that and see if i can fix it because i really want to perfect it for other titles!
I loved this soooOOOO much!! Their little back-and-forths?? The differences in their texting styles??? How Hallie kept accidentally saying cute little things and then trying to take it back/explain them LOLOL It was just so incredibly sweet and cute and made me want to shrivel up and DIE.
I really loved the artwork and the use of the phone on the right-hand side of the screen. I just love your art style! The blocky lines and the crayon-esque coloring are so unique and cute and I love the vibe it gives to this whole thing. I also loved the use of the sounds -- just the ambient city night sound accompanied by the ding of the messages. There was something very poignant about it. Also how you can get so much different dialogue depending on your choices??? I played through it a few times with a different variety of options and really loved how the convo would change directions depending on my choices!! Ofc there were some that were a bit sadder than others,,, I weep,,, but then there were the ones where the texting ended very sweetly ahhhhh 😭💕
Gosh I love how when Hallie called Lin immediately hung up in a panic HAHAHAH THAT IS SOMETHING I WOULD DO. GOD. I panic if anyone ever calls me and 9 times out of 10 feel much more comfortable and at ease with texts instead. That felt so true to life lsakdjlfakds and such a cute little glimpse into Lin's personality. Also Hallie being so persistent in trying to get Lin to let her come over for the car ride LOL that gave me a chuckle. SHE JUST WANTS TO HELP AND BE THERE FOR HER.
At any rate, super super cute. I absolutely loved this!!! Just such a cute little interaction from start to finish and leaving me with so many fEeLs iN mY hEaRt. The title screen is so cute toooooooooo!!! An absolutely fantastic job!! 💕
HHEHEHEHE…. remember when i said i love tragic gays… 👁
IM SO HAPPY U ENJOYED!!! <3 they were so much fun to write for in a texting format like this, i could have seriously tripled the word count with all i wanted to include. who knows, maybe i’ll release a longer version or somethin one day. its so funny, because they both have those types of cute flirty little comments but hal always brings attention to it by being like uH WAIT I DIDNT MEAN THAT… like yes u did… stop lying 🤨… her gay panic is forever so relatable.
AHHHH thank you thank you thank you! 💘💗 u have no idea how nice that is to hear, (esp from u i love ur art style like PLS) i’ve felt like i’ve not had a distinct art style for so long and now that i’ve found this little niche of mine i’m just so pleased and excited to work o more stuff! i thought the limit on sound really worked in my favour here too, i’m glad it gave u the same type of Vibe.
eee im so happy to hear u played through it a few times to explore all the choices! i tried to make it worth the curiosity. :- ) it was so fun to get to explore how their specific dynamic is impacted by this type of communication, and how much more or less vulnerable they were because of the format. there can be something really intimate about texting sometimes, and i tried to capture it in some small parts of their conversations. i initially had more dialogue when i was trying to create timed choices so if lin didn’t reply quick enough it prompted hal to say something, (most of the time it was hal jumping to conclusions like always,) but that kept bugging out and pissing me off so i dropped it and just lengthened some other parts of what was already there lmao.
(the one dialogue branch that always breaks my own heart is the one where hal offers a ride to lindsey in the morning and u decide to ride with lindsey’s boyfriend instead, when lindsey scrambles to say that she’ll kick him out next time because she loves riding with hal, but hal just shuts it down and tells her its fine. 💔 WE ALL KNOW ITS NOT FINE. AND NEITHER WAS MY HEART WHILE WRITING IT.)
hal being so desperate to drive lindsey around… [dog “i know what u are” meme]
GAH thank you again for this comment, ur thoughts always make my day to read and i treasure ur feedback lots! thank you for playing as always <3 and i hope the eventual full release of loose tooth is everything ur wanting! 💜🐰